The definition of Land Pollution is desposing of waste on land which contaminates the soil, water, and living animals and humans in the area. Landfills are a specific location where garbage and other waste is thrown. Landfills release the greenhouse gas methane, which increases global warming. But Landfills are starting to get bigger and bigger, as the more disposable items we use the more they pile up. This trash ends up in places like cities and homes. If we don't stop creating waste, or at leats try to cut down on it then our cities are going to be full of trash, and we are going to have no where to store it.


All humans depend on land to survive. We walk, run, and drive on it everyday. It's the base of our ecosystem. Therefore, it only benefits us to take care of it and nurture it.

1. Stop throwing recyclable goods into the trash. Instead, Recycle.
2. Buy biodegradable products.
3. Reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers.
4. Plant more trees.
5. Eat organic food that will be grown without the use of pesticides.
6. Educate people about the importance of our land and how harmful land pollution is